Kategorie:OpenOffice.org – Wikipedie
https://pandoc.org/ http://mugp.naruto-lefilm.fr/openoffice-calc-math-functions.html http://cefire.edu.gva.es/file.php/1/LLiurex_pera_la_tasca_docent/Unidad_4/openoffice_writer.html http://hxqi.syphaiwong-bay.fr/pdf-import-for-apache-openoffice.html http://emayti.australianuniversities.co/open-office-themes/ https://askubuntu.com/questions/87587/does-microsoft-office-2010-still-have-incompatibility-issues-with-libreoffice/87739
OpenOffice.org Writer, Calc és Impress Ubuntu 8.10 operációs rendszeren . Az OO.o elérhető Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris, BSD, OpenVMS, OS/2 és IRIX platformokra, de elsődlegesen Windows, Linux és Solaris operációs rendszerekre fejlesztik. A ... OpenOffice.org — openSUSE Wiki OOo Writer vous permet de créer des documents simples, tels que des mémos, des fax, des lettres, des curriculum vitae et des mailing, tout comme des documents volumineux et complexes ou des documents composés de plusieurs éléments, par exemple, des bibliographies, des tables de références et des index. OpenOffice.org - Wikipedia, entziklopedia askea. OpenOffice.org Writer OpenOffice.org (eta ez OpenOffice, marken arteko lehia bat zela-eta), LGPL lizentziapean kode irekiko bulegotika-suite bat sortzeko proiektu komunitario bat da, Sun Microsystemsen StarOfficen oinarrituta. OpenOffice.org - Wikipedia Formulat mund të "inkorporohen" (ose "nguliten") brënda dokumenteve të tjerë të OpenOffice.org, si përshëmbull ata të krijuar nga Writer. Mbështet font të shumtë dhe mund të exportoj në PDF.
OpenOffice.org - Jan Pomichálek - Ucebnice.cz Kniha OpenOffice.org Writer je praktickou příručkou tabulkového procesoru Writer, jež je součástí balíku OpenOffice.org. Kniha je srozumitelná, názorná a zabývá se právě těmi oblastmi Writeru, které uživatel nejvíce potřebuje. OpenOffice.org - Wikibooks, open books for an open world OpenOffice.org is a free, open source alternative to Microsoft Office[1] and WordPerfect. It provides almost all of the functionality at no cost to the end user. Apache OpenOffice - Wikidata https://blogs.apache.org/OOo/entry/announcing_apache_openoffice_4_11
Apache OpenOffice - Wikipedia
Zdroj: „https://sk.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kategória:OpenOffice.org&oldid=5463679“ OpenOffice.org Impress – Wikipedie OpenOffice.org Impress je open source nástroj na tvorbu prezentací z kancelářského balíku OpenOffice.org. Jedná se o přímého konkurenta Microsoft PowerPoint z balíku Microsoft Office. LibreOffice Writer - Wikipedia LibreOffice Writer is the free and open-source word processor component of the LibreOffice software package and is a fork of OpenOffice.org Writer.